Steve Quinlan

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Dyslexia: An advantage in Product Management?

Being dyslexic can be a challenge, but it can also be an advantage. This is especially true when it comes to product management. Dyslexic people often have a unique way of looking at the world, and this view can help them become successful product managers. Let's explore why being dyslexic might actually be an advantage for product managers.

Creativity & out-of-the-box thinking

Dyslexic people tend to have a more creative approach to problem-solving than non-dyslexics. This is because they are used to thinking differently and coming up with unique solutions that others might not consider. This type of creativity is essential in product management, as products must be constantly innovated and adapted to changing customer demands. By approaching issues from different angles, dyslexic people can come up with ideas that will keep products competitive in the market.

Strong communication skills

Being dyslexic means that you have had to work hard to develop strong communication skills, which is essential in product management. A good product manager needs to be able to communicate effectively with team members, customers, and stakeholders and having strong communication skills make this process smoother and more successful. Dyslexics usually have excellent listening skills and strong written communication abilities, so they can understand their team's needs and express their own ideas clearly and concisely.

Product management requires a combination of creativity, communication skills, and attention to detail — all qualities which dyslexics possess in abundance! Therefore, being dyslexic may actually give you a leg up when it comes to becoming a successful product manager; far from being an obstacle, your unique perspective could end up being your biggest asset! If you're a PM who happens to be dyslexic — don't let it hold you back; instead, use it as fuel for success!